Η εταιρεία ΧΡΗΣΤΟΣ ΚΑΦΕΤΖΗΣ & ΣΙΑ Ο.Ε. δραστηριοποιείται στο χώρο του ανελκυστήρα από το 1970, όταν ο ιδρυτής της ατομικής επιχείρησης τότε, Χρήστος Καφετζής, ξεκίνησε στην πόλη της Καβάλας το δύσκολο έργο της εγκατάστασης και συντήρησης ανελκυστήρων.
We have a passion for elevator design that combines style and functionality. We design experiences in an unconventional way.
Our specialized workshop undertakes the complete design and installation of the elevator.
We have a fully equipped division of facilities which undertakes any kind of construction regardless of its degree of difficulty. The scientific expertise of the management, our many years of experience, as well as the reliability of KLEEMAN holds us accountable for the quality result, regardless of any technical difficulty that may arise.
Do not hesitate to contact us so we can personally provide information about the best and most economical solution for you based to your needs, and to propose smart solutions regarding the installation of your elevator